Thursday, November 27, 2014

We Give Thanks

We are grateful for all God has provided for us. 

We are grateful for our family's health and well being.

We are thankful for the animals:  the dog, rabbit, and chickens.   And all the critters and varmints that roam our acres!

We are thankful that our freezer is filled with fruits, veggies, fish, venison, and elk.  And probably more bacon than is healthy or advisable.

We are thankful for a warm home, hard work, and soul-drenching contentment.

But most of all, we are grateful for our Savior.  For the One True God who offers forgiveness, and salvation as a free gift. 

Do you know my Jesus?  If not, I'd love to introduce you.  In Him is found compassion, joy, and life everlasting.  And that is something to be thankful for.

Today, and every day, we praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

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